Clear Point News fueled by coffee and hot caffeinated beverages since Jan 2025

Welcome to the first article from Clear Point News.

“Behold, our vision!” Mat exploded, causing other patrons to glance over at us. He sounded like Charlton Heston in an old Cecil B. DeMille movie. We sit, joking and excitedly discussing our plans for starting a news website. I’m drinking my Darjeeling tea and Mat with his “whatever the darkest you have, but it better not be bitter or so help me god” coffee. We begin to realize that we may just be able to do this. I’m Sasha and sitting with me is my friend and associate of nearly a decade, Mat. “When are you going to get a new one” Mat asks me as he nods his well defined aquiline nose towards my old Packard Bell laptop as I peck away on the keyboard. “Do they even make those anymore?” he continues, with a chuckle. “As long as the duct tape holding my charging port in place keeps

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